Tell better stories
Tell better stories
1 Million+ Views
40 Million+ Views
40 Million+ Views
About DiskoShaman
At Diskoshaman, our philosophy extends far beyond traditional video production. We are a collective of passionate storytellers, deeply inspired by the awe-inspiring beauty of nature. It is within the boundless realms of the natural world that we find the wellspring of inspiration for our work.
Our team embraces nature as not just a backdrop or a visual element, but as a profound source of storytelling. We believe that nature possesses an innate ability to evoke emotions, spark curiosity, and ignite the imagination. It is this belief that drives us to meticulously craft mesmerizing and engaging stories for your brand.
From Thought to Reality: Unraveling the answer to Manifestation - An Empowering Creation Docuseries
We're a storytelling agency that helps tech brands engage their audience on a higher level.
As a storytelling agency, we understand the profound impact of stories on human memory. We treat each client as a unique mission, translating their thoughts and visions into tangible reality. Our aim is to help your brand stand out from the rest by crafting compelling narratives that resonate deeply with your audience, leaving a lasting impression.
Our goal is to create videos that make people feel because they are the ones that work.
Good videos resonate with your audience. They increase brand awareness, mental availability, chance to interact, click rate… the works. Here are some of our client’s favorites.